Wednesday, December 15, 2010

SALES - That Four-Letter Word

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SALES - That Four-Letter Word

SALES. People hate the sound of the term. It gets their defenses up. It makes them turn paranoic.  Rhymes with "snails," "fails" and "derails."

How about these? Perhaps you've seen or heard them before:

"Work from home. Don't worry. No sales involved at all."

"Just a minute. There's some salesman at the door. I'll get rid of him."

"No salesman will pressure you."

People want to learn about products and services, and they want to acquire them. But they do not want to be sold. They have been brought up to believe that selling entails deceitfulness. They don't usually view the salesperson as savior -- they view him as a pest, a source of additional mark-up on the cost of everything, a stressor....a person whose interests are adversarial to theirs. Right or wrong, that's the perception.

People want to be assisted in their purchases -- yet (ironically) they do not want to be sold. They are intimidated at the stereotypical gregarious, intrusive, aggressive "snake oil" salesman. They feel a conflict, and they are often right.

Don't be a salesperson. Don't engage in sales. Be a service representative. Be an educator. Be a facilitator. Assist those prospective clients who are brought to you through the magic of marketing, and do it as a service to them. HELP THEM GET WHAT THEY WANT.  Listen to them, and give them valuable information.

Don't sell. Service the needs of prospective clients.

The wonderful thing about marketing is that it brings propsective customers or clients to you. They come because they are interrested in buying or because they are ready to buy. Your role (as a non-salesperson), is to listen to their requirements, their concerns, their constraints -- as a child psychologist might. And then, in a totally non-threatening manner, let their eagerness to make a purchase grow naturally. DON'T SELL. HELP THEM BUY.

Listen. Elucidate. Educate. Facilitate. But don't SELL!  Your job is to navigate them through the selection and purchasing process, while making them feel comfortable that you are an ally, and not an adversary. They must know that your goal is to SERVE THEM...and not to pressure, coerce or "close" them.

Avoid "making sales." Instead, FACILITATE INFORMED PURCHASES.

These two different approaches to the same ultimate objective will determine whether you'll be perceived as a guardian angel or the angel of death.


Douglas Castle

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Douglas E. Castle
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