Monday, January 3, 2011

FAMILIAR versus UNIQUE - The Major Marketing Paradox - Douglas Castle

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FAMILIAR versus UNIQUE - The Major Marketing Paradox

NOTE: The article which follows was written by Douglas Castle for simultaneous publication in the MAD MARKETING TACTICS Blog and the TNNWC RSS AND DAILY EMAIL NEWSFEED SUPPLEMENT. While engaging in reproduction can sometimes be fun, you shouldn't do it without proper attribution (credit) to both publications and the author - by name. Thank you.

The fact of the matter is that whether you are advertising in the Yellow Book or on the Internet, people who are searching for the product or service which you provide will look for you (search for you) categorically and generically, unlesws you have already achieved a credible brand status and name recognition.

For example, entrepreneurs and captains of emerging enterprises looking for the finest Press Release services or Newswire Services will simply look under "Press Release" or "Newswire". 

It makes sense for them to do this; if they enter the broadest, simplest search term, they will probably see the most results. Then, once they've seen these results, they will get to the process of refining their search terms to try to locate the exact product or service which they want more directly.  After this, they'll start clicking on the first listed websites, or calling the first-listed telephone numbers, or the largest ads, or the most colorfully bordered (either in red, yellow or in bold black, usually).

Most people search generally at first, and then with levels of increasing specificity. Either this, or they will search out a popular brand by some variation of its name. A sorry example is instead of looking up TNNWC Buzzworks or TNNWC News Release service, they will either look up "social media" or "press releases". They might even look up "Facebook Ads" or "PR Newswire."  Try them on Google or Bing. Go ahead -- I'll wait.

The paradox is that you must be UNIQUE amongst your perceived categorical competitors, but you must be LISTED AMONG THEM in a familiar, bland category. Being unique is wonderful, but until you've buzzed-to-brand and achieved name recognition, no one will be able to find you unless you use popular generic descriptors in explaining your product or service right in the ad, and, if on the Internet, right on your homepage. That's why those fancy SEO experts make so much money. Their function is not to market your brand, or its special envelope-pushing, industry-challenging attributes. Nope.

The purpose of SEO is simply to get prospective customers or clients to your page. telephone number or store. Once they are there, you must differentiate yourself from your would-be competitors by using a uniquely tantalizing value proposition.

People conduct searches under simple categorical terms, or by name brands with which they are familiar (or which seem familiar). Thus, The Successful Mad Marketing Tactician* (*which may or may not be a real search term, or even a real word for that matter) must both be reachable through the most frequently-used conventional classifications (through well-structured Search Engine Optimization), and then by unique branding.

The bottom line is that you and your brand must be FAMILIAR (by category, tag, label or key word), as well as UNIQUE (in terms of your value proposition). You can't JUST do SEO.
You cannot just go BUZZIN' and BRANDIN'. Your market access and position will rely upon a combination of both. Get ready to juggle.


Douglas Castle,

TAGS, LABELS AND KEY TERMS: branding, buzzology, buzzing, SEO, generic search terms, similarity versus originality, TNNWC Group, Mini-Media Buzz Blitz, perception, comfort zone, "envelope expansion", leading with simplicity, moving toward specificity, TNNWC BUZZWORKS, TNNWC News Release Service, Gist Media, reluctance to change, embracing the familiar, skillful differentiation, the "Funnel Approach", blogs by Douglas E. Castle, Mad Marketing Tactics, reaching the largest audience, behavioral psychology, reluctance to change, justification for change, The Daily Dose Of Brilliance .001, The Daily Dose Of Brilliance, Gist Video, TNNWC Gist Promotion, effecting change, reassurances, guarantees, comparisons, listing advantages, making "NEW" things appealing, Search Terms, Search Engine Optimization, Omnigadget, Lingovation, Technullity, unique signature, moving from conventional to preferred, Blue Tuesday Report, The National Networker Weekly Newsletter,


STRANGE PLACES WHICH YOU MUST VISIT: My old friend Arnie Suntag's childhood bedroom closet in his parents' house. Note: Satisfaction Guaranteed!

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Douglas E. Castle
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