If you're a reader of The Mad Marketing Tactics Blog (which you must be -- that's axiomatic) you are partially involved in the business of reaching out to people, building a prospecting list and converting prospects into satisfied customers, who will in turn give you endorsements to even further increase your market share and brand recognition.
The keys to obtaining maximum prospective customer responses and to collecting the greatest amount of demographic and psychographic data are set forth below. If you don't follow these keys, you will be wasting a great deal of effort and obtaining poor results.
As it said in the article title, "Gathering Site Visitor Info: Make It Simple And Keep It Brief."
Bear in mind that prospects (i.e., Human Beings with a potential to engage with you through commerce) are:
- Impatient, with limited attention spans;
- Always "on the go" and dislike filling out forms;
- Hesitant to give too much information to strangers;
- Increasingly comfortable the more frequently that they are contacted;
- Only converted to customers after 7 (on average) contacts from an internet-based company.
1) Break down your detailed and lengthy interrogation into small, simple, innocuous forms, each embedded within some content of additional interest to your prospects -- a series of forms embedded into friendly personal (or auto responder-generated) emails or even texts;
2) Never use a form that requires essay writing -- multiple choice, radio buttons and drop down menus are much easier on the reader;
3) Never embed a form which contains more than five (5) easily-answerable questions;
4) Always be certain that each email sent (whether as a letter or newsletter) has some interesting useful information which could conceivably be of benefit to anybody who happened to intercept the email or text -- use a good subject line;
5) Mind your manners -- always say "please" and "thank you." You can also become more and more personal in the nature of the question that you ask as you have accumulated a greater history of correspondence behind you.
If You'd Like Some Labels, Tags, Search Terms And Categories For This Article, We've Got Several For You:
Email, text messaging, list-building, auto responders, prospecting, business planning, engaging customers, CEM, incremental relationship development, surveys, polls, collecting client data, The Mad Marketing Tactics Blog, The Sending Signals Blog, Douglas E. Castle, customer acquisition, customer retention, interrogation, fact-finding, focus groups, infographics, database, data mining, CFI, CrowdFunding Incubator LLC, The Taking Command Blog...
The bottom line is always going to be the same -- exchanging messages creates familiarity and comfort, allowing you to probe deeper and further in order to get better information while creating a rapport with your prospects.
By the way, should you need a fabulous autoresponder and email forms creator, just click on the link below:
It's well worth the effort to build an auto responder dialogue, and to break up a large form into friendly, harmless, informative bite-sized pieces.
Douglas E. Castle for The Mad Marketing Tactics Blog
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