Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Quick Fix" Marketing Magic - Suppressed Secrets.

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Every Human Being harbors some belief (or perhaps wishful thinking)in secrets and surprises. Each of us longs for a "one-call-fixes-all" panacea to eliminate life's problems or to attain some goal of personal importance.  Each of us believes that there is a "master secret" or "holy grail" that we should find (like the alchemist's Philosopher's Stone, which was long sought -- albeit metaphorically -- to change base metals into gold), or that we have somehow missed.

I don't know a single person who wouldn't like a quick fix to overcome some problem or to attain great success. And the quick fix, the miracle cure, the elixir of life, or whatever it is, must always be elusive -- the more valuable and magical, the more hidden it must be. Buried treasure. If it's not buried, than how can it be a treasure?

The other interesting thing is that most people believe in the notion of "if it's really that great, someone who has already discovered it will keep it secret, or will seek to suppress it." This may be symptomatic of a paranoic bent which is hard-wired into our minds, or of a projection of our own greed or selfishness onto others.

You would be amazed, or maybe you wouldn't, at the number of people who believe that there is a secret...

1. Source of limitless free energy;

2. Cure for all cancers and other diseases;

3. Spell, chant, prayer or incantation to win someone's love or to obtain riches;

4. Group of people (usually seven in number) who control the entire world by the use of some secret which they hand down from generation to generation within their families or specially privileged or initiated social circles;

5. Method to making millions of dollars (without the use of a printing press, as that would be cheating!) overnight by using some computer tool, program, or "system.".

We all feel a bit left out. We work so hard and have so little to show for it. We envy those who are privileged with access to these secrets. We are infuriated with the big oil companies for suppressing the trick to powering vehicles using only water. We are jealous of the fellows who become initiated into Skull and Bones and have their careers (usually involved in ruling the world in some way) just set out for them, like a magic carpet. We want to find that magic lamp at an antique shop (usually in Connecticut or Maine, for some reason) with the genie inside. We want the golden goose, the prize at the bottom of the Cracker Jacks box, the winning Lotto ticket.

We all want instant gratification. And we all somehow suspect that the key is in someone else's greedy hands. And he (who owns the tool shed, or the hangar, or the wand, or the formula) is keeping it a SECRET. In fact, if you wrote a book and titled it The Secret, it would likely be a New York Times Bestseller.

Mad marketers and promoters exploit their knowledge of this quirky aspect of Human Nature by offering to reveal (at a price) a secret. Because if it weren't a secret, it couldn't really be that valuable. All they need is a rationalization for why they are willing to give "the secret" up --- a dying man's last wish, an obligation to all of Humankind, revenge against the people who are trying to suppress it --- there just has to be a good reason.

I am crazy about the ads that say (month after month), that "This is only available for a limited time (feel that urgency?), because they (usually a government agency, or some very powerful people acting in nefarious collusion) are going to shut it down, or pull it off of the web, or grab the last of it, or kidnap the inventor, or make it illegal!

Run, people! Run to buy that secret thing! Get it while you can! It will make/save you a small fortune! Act now! While supplies last! This offer expires at midnight! It's the natural remedy that the doctors don't want you to know about! Turn your garbage into gold! This system keeps making money, while you're sleeping... even if you don't want it just can't stop it! I'm only making this offer to some 'special friends' (usually a vast list of undisclosed recipients) because I can't keep it to myself any longer!

Yes, I have overstated my case, and yes, I'm guilty of sarcasm. But I'd wager that you see my point. And you realize that I'm correct. And we both feel a bit foolish about it.

Perhaps your marketing, messaging and promotion could use a touch of "secrecy" combined with a sense of urgency. It's a proven method... and I've only revealed this secret because they (whoever they are) are going to make it illegal and I haven't much longer to live.


-- Douglas E Castle

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