Friday, July 13, 2012

Different Media = Different Decision Influences

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The Mad Marketing Tactics Blog Reminds You That Child Labor Laws Apply Even To The Privileged Classes in American and Other Societies.

Note: The embedded picture above [created with limited thought and archaic media tools] is completely irrelevant to the subject of marketing and media influences, discussed below. The Mad Marketing Tactics Blog and its underpaid and largely unskilled staff of miscreants, sociopaths and at least one creative genius [not necessarily the author!] all apologize for this tasteless, shameless display of childish humor.

Traditions die slowly, and people are generally resistant to change. Television still ranks as the most trusted source of media information, with radio broadcasting second, and e-media in third position. This is likely attributable to the fact of financial and emotional commitment on the part of viewers and consumers to traditional media, which, while pervasive, is still a "new technology" as perceived by many. This credibility lends greater influence in terms of political and lifestyle views to television and radio.

Yet, despite this, consumers are becoming increasingly reliant upon e-media (websites, blogs and rating/feedback services, as well as social media) as a primary research materials in influencing direct product and purchasing decisions. Out of this cyberspace dominion, it seems that social media are the most viral in generating overall interest and reputability in a product, service or brand, but that rating services (Craig's List, Angie's List and the like) and vertically-specialized blogs tend to lead the viewer to respond to the call to action and actually make the purchase, hire the taxidermist, set up an appointment with the dentist, buy those shoes, purchase and send small gifts and gift cards, etc.

Websites are seen more as self-serving promotional media for companies, products, services and brands, while evaluative blogs (containing product or service reviews) and rating services are seen as the most highly credible and motivational in converting visitors into purchasers or clients.

The following excerpt is provided care of the American Better Business Bureau through its SmartBrief Business Newsletter. When you've finished the article, please click the back arrow and return to us here for some trend predictions and actionable items:

Survey: TV is the most trusted form of media
Research indicates that people still rely on traditional media, with about 45% of respondents to a survey saying they most trust TV. Newspapers and radio were the next-most-trusted sources of news and information. However, many respondents said that online research is an important part of purchasing decisions. eMarketer (7/11)

Welcome back. We've saved a piece of cake for you.

What this means:

1) If you want people to buy your product or service, use your website, supported by blogs and/or rating services to get them to do it;

2) If you want to create brand identity and familiarity, use social media -- especially when complemented with audio and/or video;

3) If you want to promote a person, a politician, an ideological platform or a lifestyle change, Television is still the medium of first choice, with radio [morning or evening drive shift time slots] being the second.

Action: What to do:

Build your campaign (within budgetary constraints) in accordance with a media mix that emphasizes whichever of the three foregoing objectives that you'd like to achieve.

There is an additional consideration: odd-lot purchases of television time (for commercials or advertorials) are trending in the direction of cost decreases, and they may be a bargain if you are selling to a geographically-based (i.e., local) market, a specialized market demographic or just to gain additional visibility and a bit of implied credibility on conventional media at a relatively low and declining CPM (cost per thousand).

Newspapers and local TV channels are good for promoting consumer goods and products (special promotions and sales) over small geographical areas if done with the proper e-media support.

Lastly, if you want to make your CEO, managers, political candidates or other flesh and blood persons more visible and credible, you should very seriously consider a bargain media purchase of TV time, cable time with a chaser of web-based videos. Personality and position (point of view) come through best when there is full audio, full video, affirming body language and the right setting.

Two Variables:

In choosing your media mix, two additional variables you should consider (and they are not the same) are cost per thousand views, and cost per converted sale, dependent upon your campaign objectives.

No go out and set the world ablaze, you Mad Marketing Tactics Blog enthusiasts.

Douglas E. Castle

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