Wednesday, April 24, 2013

3 Keys To Website Viability - Being "Reference-Friendly"

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Your website, aside from being mobile-friendly, visitor-friendly and search engine optimized must now be "reference-friendly". [Which latter term I invented, or Lingovated, because it, or its web address -- that's url, brother --, is easy to remember, easy to say and easy to spell -- which is the entire hokey pokey of what reference-friendliness is all about].

Once again, because, this is so very important, there are 3 keys to making your website (and your company or enterprise) Reference-Friendly, and they all have to do with your selected url [Uniform Resource Locator]:

1) People must be able to pronounce it - make it simple to pronounce by using plain speech, or something catchy (you may incorporate a rhyme), keeping it short, and by avoiding weird words. The test is this: Could a radio announcer readily read it and pronounce it? Or this: Could a SitePal synthesized text-to-voice announcer say it clearly if you spell it out pho-net-ic-[a]-lly?

2) People must be able to remember it - make it easier by using five syllables or less, and have them make sense in some manner. If it is an endoscopy facility (just for example), an url  like is relatively easy to remember because it is brief relevant and actually describes an action. And if an action is incorporated, people tend to associate that action with a mental picture. Mental pictures are easier to remember than words, but it is easier to recall the words if the mental picture strikes you first., albeit it admittedly sexist, might have been a fine name as well.

3) People must be able to spell it - make it easy to spell, and limit the number of ways that it will likely be spelled. In fact, you might want to find the most probable misspellings and reserve those at your local domain registrar and point them back to your actual website. If you're a great plumber (I can't seem to get away from things scatological today, for which I will apologize in the end) and you're proud of your family name, which is D'Agostinacciorella, don't even think of putting it into your website address.

In fact, don't even put it in your company name. You'd be much better off creating an url along the lines of than the ego maniacal

Be certain that your website address is Reference-Friendly. It will make it easier to use the optimal media mix for your objectives, and it will definitely increase the ease with which you get referral business as well as the percentage of referrals which you will actually hook... and the best marketing and sales people are invariably the happiest hookers.

Douglas E. Castle, whose personal blog can be found at

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