Monday, May 6, 2013

Emotions Rule Our Audience - Branding And Imprinting

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Emotions rule us. We make emotional decisions, and then we justify them after the fact with intellectualized rationalizations. Sometimes our emotions are the key to a deeper, more sensitive and fast-working consciousness [our instincts are hard-wired into our genetic code, and our intuition is not merely a "sense" -- it is an evaluation, made through all of our senses, both acknowledged and theorized -- which is so rapid that we do not consciously know that we are thinking or processing.

But in any case, especially when it comes to "deepening" branding by message imprinting, your objective is to create a profound, powerful almost religious or spiritual resonance or feeling of identification within the prospect, or potential consumer. It might be compassion (in the case of a charity), it might be lust and fantasy (perfumes, colognes, beverages...), it might be anger, or it might be envy. An elaborate branding imprinting statement is usually a lengthy meme -- profound words and a picture that draw forth a visceral, basic emotional response from every viewer. Our product or company name must remain small, while the meme carries the day.

Imprinting, in the sense that it is used here is not exactly the way that Konrad Lorenz would have defined it in psychological study of how newborns think that the first creature they see is mama -- it is more aligned with the term "anchoring, as this term is used in hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming and in subliminal messaging

Imprinting helps to anchor emotional associations with a brand, whether that brand is established or whether it is just beginning to get into the public's eye. And this deepening of the brand through a deep emotional resonance is very, very important.

In my pedestrian terms, if I don't get a lump in my throat, and feel tears beginning to well up in my eyes, I will walk away from what you are selling (if it is not an immediate necessity) and find a competitor's brand with better, deeper, richer imprinting.

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