Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Be A Resource; Not A Peddler - MARKETING MAGNETICS

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Every single entrepreneur wants to sell more product (or service) to more people. If you're truly enlightened, you want to retain these customers and clients so that they will return to purchase more of your product or service. The end result is a growing base of increasingly profitable business.

But prospective clients and customers are very, very cagey;

1.     Sometimes they are thinking about buying, but have not truly decided. Then, they will buy from whomever they are most comfortable with (subject to pricing and quality, of course);

2.     Sometimes they like to just "shop around" for awhile;

3.     Sometimes they just like to learn and do interesting things (especially if they are offered for free) -- in fact, some of these people enjoy researching and collecting information more than actually purchasing a product or service.

You want all of these people to visit and spend more time on your website or blog. Why? Because the more visits and the more time spent per visit, the more likely they will be in your shop (virtual or actual) when they are ready to purchase. Since you cannot always identify these prospects, you must find a way to attract them to your "store" -- if they are not there at the right time, or if they haven't already visited your site and become acquainted with you, they'll just google up another vendor.

Bring an ever-increasing number of people to your site. Have more of these people repeatedly visiting (i.e., where your site becomes one of their favorities). Have each visitor spend more time at your site per visit.

How do you accomplish this? Put your products aside and turn your corner of cyberspace (or real space) into an informational resource...a place of interest...a place with some useful news updates, reference links or materials or other utilities people would ordinarily like to use. The more informational and utility-oriented resources that you offer, the more people will want to visit you. In many cases, they'll just want to use the resources which you have to offer. But in some cases, they will be so comfortable in the space that you have created for them that they will buy from you.

First, serve your potential client base with a storeful of useful information -- Be an indispensible resource for things which they may need or in which they are interested. Secondly, once your site is sufficiently magnetic and your store starts getting crowded, you won't have to force the issue -- even if they've come to your store for no particular reason but curiousity, familiarity and comfort, they will buy from you if they feel that they are not being coerced into buying -- in fact, your ambience can be so disarming that your visitors make the decsion to purchase from you out of own desire of the moment.

Resources add value and MARKETING MAGNETICS -- if your location is sufficiently magnetic, you'll make sales as a byproduct of your special ambience.

My favorite example -- I've gone into many a bookstore which has an espresso bar or cafe, and wound up purchasing a book, CD or magazine just because I was already there -- I looked at the products, was intrigued, decided to "buy a few things". It was the opposite of what I had intended to do. But I did it because I was already in the store

Your resources and items of interest lure people in...and then they make the purchasing decision as a matter of course...and they are even more comfortable making it because they had already enjoyed the other wonderful resources, information, utility and other mini-magnets that drew them in at the beginning.

Make your space into a captivating resource -- the people and the purchasing will follow.

People will decide to purchase based upon their own desires, and not based upon you own projected sales budget. Just give them a safe haven within which to do it. A website is good for this -- a blog tends to be even better; it's less threatening and more informative. The optimal marketing magnet machinerey may be a combination of both.


Douglas Castle

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Douglas E. Castle
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