If you would like to have people take action about anything, please keep these words of wisdom about Human Nature from Douglas Castle in mind at all times:
"People will only take action when their anger, frustration, hunger or lust become stronger motivators than their propensity toward inertia and indolence." -- Douglas Castle
Even the most capable oyster will not produce a beautiful pearl unless it is irritated by a shap-edged grain of sand. You must be the grain of sand in the oyster of opportunity. Sounds Hoaky? It is. But it is true of all "call to action" marketing. Its implications and applications are vast.
Douglas Castle
Visit us at http://MadMarketingTactics.blogspot.com

TNNWC Group, LLC, in Brief
TNNWC Group, LLC empowers emerging enterprises locally, worldwide and inter-globally by providing 1) informational publications and products; 2) an indispensible suite of crucial, unparalleled services for business planning, development, growth, marketing and capitalization, which are offered to all of our Members who are all 3) interactively involved within a growing, mutually-supportive collaborative, cooperative community of individuals and businesses. We are run by entrepreneurial people, and we live to serve entrepreneurial people and the business initiated through their inspiration… from the garage-based technological start-up, to the “small business” wanting to break free of its limitations and grow larger at an accelerated but sustainable pace. We Empower Emerging Enterprises™ - not with “happy talk” and “grandiose ideas”… but with real tools and expert interpersonal guidance to use each of them for their optimal effectiveness. Visit us at TNNWC Group, LLC. - Join us. We have so much to offer you. Our philosophy is simple: UNITE AND CONQUER.

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