Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Publicity: Apple's Amazing Media Machine

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Apple's Amazing Media Machine is, arguably the world's very best example of the pure power of publicity, versus the forced attention purchased by other companies (think about GEICO, Progresso, Trojan [the "Twister?"], Pillsbury and a few other companies and brands, which run extensive and expensive advertising campaigns).

While Apple admittedly has a well-established brand which impacts many aspects of many industries and individuals' lives, so does drinking water -- yet Brita has to advertise its shiny new water purification apparatus..... and the latest model releases of Mercedes and other automobile manufacturers have to be advertised frequently and aggressively.

Q: Doesn't it amaze you how frequently "Apple" appears in business media headlines on a regular basis? As of today, "Apple" appears in approximately 14.7% [estimate] of all biz headlines internationally and cross-media (i.e., conventionally published media, blogs and social media combined)!

How can Apple continuously get all of this publicity when other companies, brands, products, services and events have to expend a fortune on paid advertising? All the tech companies discuss Apple, pro and con...technoid bloggers discuss Apple, pro and con. Apple has become the coveted Golden Ticket For The Guided Tour Of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory -- everybody talks about Apple.

The simple answer to this magic is that Apple (although inanimate) has become a celebrity. It has plans, events, releases -- in brief, it has developed a life and a fascinating, idiosyncratic personality. This was jump-started by the late Steve Jobs, a living, breathing soul, who melded his outspoken and unique personality right into the DNA of Apple, imbuing it with life.

Apple is like a mysterious yet omnipresent celebrity, with all of the associated gossip, anticipation and opinion swirling about and around it. Everyone has an opinion about what Apple has done, and a prediction about what its next move will be.

Going further [I always do], I would venture to say that Apple has every bit the tabloid sparkle and pull-a-copy-off-the-racks-at-the-checkout-counter magnetism of Donald Trump, Brad and Angelina, U.S. President Barack Obama, the Late Whitney Houston, David Letterman, The Giants --- maybe even Oprah.

The ultimate victory in public relations and publicity is to make your brand, your company or your product or service into a celebrity.

Perhaps, readers of The Mad Marketing Tactics Blog, you might consider giving your company and brand a celebrity personality. Make your every activity something which is newsworthy; in this way, you'll be able to do more telling (or implying), while the media does the reviewing, the anticipating and the selling.

Douglas E. Castle

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