Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Social Media Advertising: Today's Realities / Tomorrow's Possibilities...

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As the amount of ambient media noise grows louder from an ever-increasing number of sources, and as the average person is so "Broadcast-fatigued" that he or she is almost becoming inbound-media averse, utilizing social media is no longer only about shock-and-awe, differentiation , pure creativity and multi-sensorial stimuli. While those are crucial, they are not necessarily adequate. In fact, they are becoming less and less of a defining force in arriving at social media ROI.

The three new points of focus which must be emphasized and optimized in order to maximize your ROI on social media are:

1) Targeting your market so you can appeal to their product and service needs;

2) Finding the medium that gets the most automatic views (Twitter has a phenomenal "opening rate" because a vast majority of those receiving tweets will see them as soon as they open up their Twitter accounts -- they don't have a yes or no choice as they would in an email, newsletter or blogging campaign);

3) Engaging, opinion-gathering, crowdsourcing and brainstorming with your prospective viewer audience - making the social media experience much more of personalized, humanized conversation than a one-sided shout. To win viewers and keep them, you must involve them at a personal level to the greatest extent permitted by the technologies of social media.

A video presentation which I found on the endlessly resource-filled SOCIAL MEDIADD page (which I highly recommend) says a great deal about this.

 This is an incredibly long, albeit fabulously informative video featuring four social media pundits discussing information and implications pertaining to social media advertising. It is worth listening to. If your doctor permits, I recommend watching this video in about five installments, each punctuated with a ten-minute coffee break. Personally, I recommend hazelnut. When finished, please hit the "BACK" Button on your browser to come back home and get some more ideas.

What Does $3 Billion in Ad Spend Get You? The Dos and Don't s of Social Media Advertising:!

Here are those ideas ("idears" if you're from Western New York State):

1) Go for retweets, re-posts, re-publishing and comments and viral signalling instead of just for views;

2) Use surveys and questionnaires frequently; and

3) Provide sharing tools that permit re-posts and responses to your every communication.

To most effectively use social media you must be involved in the creation of humanized, personalized communications and relationships. In the words of expert Brian Solis, "Social Media is about social science - not technology."  To be continued...

Douglas E. Castle


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