Saturday, March 10, 2012

Introductions And Endorsements - Fabulous Tools

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"And I'd like to thank our marketing team for their great work in helping us meet our year-end sales goals"

The greatest way in which a powerful networker and an unabashed (albeit generous) self-promoter can give himself or herself the halo of credibility, as well as to win some wonderful, solid connections on many fronts, is to serve as an introducer and endorser. Be a discoverer and promoter of talent and quality persons and things. It makes you look better, as well as bit less self-obsessed.

If you discover a person, a website, a product, a service, a brand, or any other creature or object in need of additional promotion, and,

If this creature or object is of superior quality (truly something special), and is someone or something you'd be proud to be associated with, by introducing and endorsing this party, and focusing the spotlight on something or someone other than your own brand, you create a double halo.

It works like this:

Your endorsee is forever associated with you and your brand, which gives you a lift in the market penetration polls [poor choice of words, that] as a discoverer nd sponsor of greatness. And, your endorsee gets a wonderful boost from you, which puts you in a great position as well.

It's wonderful to receive an introduction or an endorsement -- but it can even more powerful in terms of Mad Marketing Tactics, to be an introducing party. Here is the substance of a post I recently produced and disseminated regarding my brother, who happens to be a trendous talent, as well as a person of character.

Hong Chan, my brother in Malaysia (you can see a family resemblance if you look very, very closely), is a fast rising star in the fields of commercial and stock photography. His works are rapidly rising in popularity and value, and his seminars on various aspects of the art and science of photography are more in demand now than ever.

His work is an amazing coalescence of genuine artistry with an incredible innovative facility in technology and expert techniques.

I would consider this to be a personal favor as much as a professional courtesy if you would connect with him after taking an opportunity to view some of growing stock photo portfolio on Dreamstime Photography, where he has won more coveted 'Editor's Choice' awards on more of his photographs than any other featured photographer. And yes I am jealous of him, but I would never admit that to a soul.

Please take a look at his beautiful, masterful portfolio by clicking on

View Hong Chan's Photo<br />Portfolio @ Dreamstime

After you've done that, I'm certain he would be delighted if you asked him to become a part of your Linked In network, where he is a recent arrival. Just click:

View Hong Chan's profile on LinkedIn

His blog is located at http://HongChanPhotography/, where you can find out more information about this Twitter groups, which are attracting a fine group of fans, followers and persons who appreciate art.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit about Hong, and in anticipation of your connecting with him on LinkedIn, as well as some of your other social media groups.

I assure you of this -- you will be utterly amazed at what this young man has been able to achieve.

Thank you one and all, my dear friends and colleagues.

Douglas E. Castle []


The more that you do this, and the more talent that you unveil to the world, the stronger your own reputation becomes in terms of both quality and (gasp) Humanitarianism. Your opinion might become increasingly well-regarded and sought-after. You might become much-better networked in higher places. You might even become the person you've been only wishing or pretending to be. Imagine the possibilities...

Douglas E. Castle for The MAD MARKETING TACTICS blog


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